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Blackridge, أسكتلندا, EH48

2017-11-10 00:00:00
رقم العقار: REF205534
1,800,000 £
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تفاصيل المكان
عنوان المنطقة/الشارع
تاريخ النشر
معلومات اضافية
رقم العقار
عنوان الإعلان
Blackridge, West Lothian EH48
وصف العقار
Standhill Farm is an attractive mixed farm unit set in an accessible rural location with the added attraction of diversified non-farming income streams.•Traditional three bedroom farmhouse•Modern four bedroom house•Modern agricultural steading•Traditional Steading•In all 385.80 acres (156.13 ha) to include 380.36 acres (153.92 ha) of agricultural land and 4.39 (1.77 ha) amenity woodland.•11KW Wind Turbine•Telecommunications Mast Lease•500KW and 850KW Wind Turbine Lease•27.53 acres (11.14 ha) under an option agreement for Residential DevelopmentStandhill Farm is a productive mixed farm unit extending to 385.80 acres (156.13 ha) or thereby and is split predominantly into arable land, permanent pasture with areas of amenity woodland and rough grazing. The farm is ring fenced and benefits from good field access with well fenced internal tracks.The unit benefits from two dwellings and a modern agricultural steading well suited to stock feeding, handling and grain storage.The farm benefits from additional diversification through non-farming income streams including an 11KW Wind Turbine, telecommunication mast lease and a 500KW and 850KW wind turbine lease together with the residential development option.Situated in the heart of the steading, Standhill Farmhouse is a one and a half storey dwelling of rendered stone construction under a slate roof offering spacious accommodation throughout comprising Kitchen, Living room, Drawing Room, Dining room, Bathroom and 3 bedrooms.Iona is a modern 4 bedroom house, erected in 2004, subject to an agricultural occupancy restriction. The property is of rendered block built construction under a tile roof and offers spacious accommodation over two floors with double glazing and oil central heating.Standhill Farm steading comprises of a mix of modern buildings together with a small traditional steading opposite the farmhouse.The agricultural land extends to 385.80 acres (156.13 ha) or thereby, lying between approximately 175m and 205m above sea level. Of the total, 81.14 acres (32.84 ha) is currently in arable grass, with a further 151.79 acres (61.43 ha) in permanent pasture. There is also 145.74 acres (58.98 ha) rough grazing, 4.39 acres (1.77 ha) of amenity woodland and 2.74 acres (1.11 ha) equating to roads, yards and building’s.Standhill Farm is farmed in hand as a productive beef unit currently grazing 110 cattle plus followers, providing sufficient indoor winter accommodation to house all cattle and is self-sufficient for wintering forage purposes with approximately 100 acres (40 ha) cut annually for silage, capable of producing in excess of 1000 tonnes.There are a variety of non-farming income streams that are included within the subjects of sale including an 11kW Wind Turbine, 500kW and 850kW Wind Turbine Lease and Telecommunication Mast Lease together with a Residential Development Option. Further details available on request.
  • 15999 عرض
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