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Canon Quarters, 73/3 Logie Green Road, Edinburgh, أسكتلندا, EH7

2017-07-03 00:00:00
رقم العقار: REF212778
482,000 £
عدد الغرف 2
عدد الحمامات 3
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تفاصيل المكان
عنوان المنطقة/الشارع
Canon Quarters, 73/3 Logie Green Road
تاريخ النشر
معلومات اضافية
رقم العقار
عنوان الإعلان
Canon Quarters, 73/3 Logie Green Road, Edinburgh EH7
وصف العقار
Plot 92 bedroom apartmentCanon QuartersThis former Grade A open plan office development, is currently being refurbished and refitted to form 29 large 1,2 and 3 bedroom apartments with allocated, secured car parking. Completion Date August 2017.29 Luxury apartments located in Edinburgh\'s fashionable CanonmillsEvolve into modern luxury as we welcome you to ama’s newest residential apartment development – the prestigious Canon Quarters. Located in fashionable Canonmills, an area brimming with charm, character and history, Canon Quarters is the most exciting residential addresses in Edinburgh to be offered this year. These immaculate homes offer a living environment that is truly unique. With a building ethos that sets out in pursuit of excellence and perfection, offering an unrivalled combination of quality, design and location.LuxuryLuxury and an effortless marriage of design and functionality ensures Canon Quarters offers ama’s signature bespoke quality. Canon Quarters stands apart, not just in style and space, but also modern luxury. Eye-catching with sharp clean form to the exteriors and striking aesthetic concepts and technology throughout the interiors, Canon Quarters expertly blends practicality with timeless styles. Canon Quarters is an architectural statement in living luxury.SpaceSpace with vision to create your ideal home of choice as Canon Quarters consists of 29 spacious 1,2 and 3 bed apartments with 2 extraordinary Penthouse suites and balconies overlooking the city\'s most iconic landmark, Edinburgh Castle. The highest technical specifications couples with the finest levels of interiors, secure parking and views over the city landscape make these seamless homes a remarkable address to call home. With fabulous entertainment spaces, magnificent features and fittings and spacious yet intimate bedrooms, the apartments offer an unrivalled standard of living in the area.TimeTime to make the most of this interesting and wonderful area of Edinburgh. With the stunning Botanic Gardens and Inverleith park and the water of Leith on your doorstep. A short, picturesque walk through the New Town leads to the excitement of fashionable George Street with it’s excellent choice of bars, restaurants, night clubs, health clubs and luxury shopping.When Quality MattersOver the last 30 years at ama Homes, we have built an enviable reputation for intelligent design that is built around the needs of the homeowner and Canon Quarters is no different. At ama Homes we believe that a home should be built to last, so favour more traditional methods and materials that will mature with age and be easy to maintain.Prime LocationTime to make the most of this interesting and wonderful area of Edinburgh. With the stunning Botanic Gardens and Inverleith park and the water of Leith on your doorstep. A short, picturesque walk through the New Town leads to the excitement of fashionable George Street with it’s excellent choice of bars, restaurants, night clubs, health clubs and luxury shopping.
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عدد الحمامات
  • 3250 عرض
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