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Holly Road North, Wilmslow, إنكلترا, SK9

2018-01-16 00:00:00
رقم العقار: REF195562
449,999 £
عدد الغرف 2
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تفاصيل المكان
عنوان المنطقة/الشارع
Holly Road North
تاريخ النشر
معلومات اضافية
رقم العقار
عنوان الإعلان
Holly Road North, Wilmslow SK9
وصف العقار
Lovely first floor two bedroom apartment which offers a North facing aspect. Apartment 12 benefits from having a walk in wardrobe and en-suite in the main bedroom and walk out balcony to the lounge.A warm welcome awaits you at Lawson Grange in Wilmslow. Why not call in and visit us soon? Our last three remaining two bedroom apartments are open to view Tuesday to Saturday from 10.30am to 5.00pm. Lawson Grange has to be seen to be fully appreciated, as so many people are discovering.Lawson Grange is proving very popular with only 3 apartments remaining. Our new homeowners are settling in and enjoying life in their new home.Located in the stunning town of Wilmslow, our modern Retirement Living development is the perfect option for those seeking accommodation in the idyllic heart of Cheshire.This modern development offers a collection of 30 one and two bedroom apartments exclusively for those over the age of 60. As well as great in-room facilities, homeowners also get access to a stylish homeowners\' lounge, guest suite for visiting friends and family, beautiful landscaped gardens with outdoor patio seating area and onsite parking available to purchase.Local AreaAn extremely popular town found in Cheshire, Wilmslow is just 11 miles from Manchester and boasts plenty of attractions for those in their retirement. Historically the area was known as an important centre for fustian cutting but today it has evolved in a dynamic village which retains its original character whilst providing a great selection of modern and traditional facilities.Thriving shopping facilities are found in the local shopping centre with a range of eateries that are highly recommended by locals. Both high street and independent shops can be found in Wilmslow, which sits between the Alderley Edge and Handforth - two affluent areas known for their upmarket lifestyles and rich residents.For those interested in exploring the local history, the nearby Quarry Bank Mill is one of the best preserved textile mills, dating back to the Industrial Revolution, and now acts as a museum to the cotton industry.Wilmslow also provides strong transport links to surrounding areas as well as many other attractions and leisure activities for homeowners to enjoy.Opening TimesOpen Tuesday - Saturday 10:30am - 5:00pmDirectionsIf you are using a Sat Nav system you may need the full address of this development. The postcode is newly created by Royal Mail and may not be accurate for some months.
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