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Warren Lane, Oxshott, يذرهيد, إنكلترا, KT22

2018-01-23 00:00:00
رقم العقار: REF186478
15,499,950 £
عدد الغرف 9
مساحة العقار 28500 قدم مربع
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تفاصيل المكان
عنوان المنطقة/الشارع
Warren Lane, Oxshott
تاريخ النشر
معلومات اضافية
رقم العقار
عنوان الإعلان
Warren Lane, Oxshott, Surrey KT22
وصف العقار
We are delighted to offer this outstanding detached 9 bedroom house located in Oxshott in Surrey with beautifully landscaped gardens with terraces giving superb views.The house is located with easy reach to M25, Gatwick / Heathrow Airport.The house includes an impressive grand reception room, drawing room, library, sitting room, family and commercial kitchen and wine cellar, 5 spacious reception rooms and a grand kitchen with dining room. Upstairs are 2 master bedroom suites with bathroom and dressing room, 6 further bedroom suites, further bedroom and sitting room area, cinema room with bar. The property is fully equipped and has everything connected to electricity, gas and water.Key features:9 spacious bedrooms with 9 bathroomsTotal area: 28,500 sq ft / 2,649 sq mUnder floor heatingIndividual room thermostatsSolar panelsLandscaped gardensUnderground garaging for up to 20 carsEasy access to M25, Gatwick / Heathrow AirportsHighly recommended for viewings! Call us to arrange!
عدد الغرف
مساحة العقار
28500 قدم مربع
  • 9433 عرض
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البريد الألكتروني لصديقك *
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