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Northumberland Street, أسكتلندا, EH3

2018-01-16 00:00:00
رقم العقار: REF863900
1,125,000 £
عدد الغرف 4
عدد الحمامات 3
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تفاصيل المكان
عنوان المنطقة/الشارع
Northumberland Street
تاريخ النشر
معلومات اضافية
رقم العقار
عنوان الإعلان
40 Northumberland Street, New Town, Edinburgh EH3
وصف العقار
Comfortable, manageable terraced Georgian townhouse with family accommodation on Garden, Ground and First Floors and charming south-facing garden.Ground Floor Flagstone entrance hall with stone staircase to upper floor, Elegant Drawing Room looking over the garden, Diningroom, Butler’s Pantry.First Floor Four Double Bedrooms, 2 to front and 2 to rear, Tiled Bathroom with tea-caddy ceiling.Garden Level Kitchen/Breakfastroom with Laundry off, Snug/Family Room, Italian tiled Shower Room with underfloor heating. Various ‘offices’ – larder, wine cellar, linen cupboard, stores and workshop.Northumberland Street is one of Edinburgh’s most desirable addresses in the heart of the Georgian New Town, yet only minutes’ walk from Princes Street and the City Centre.The street was built between 1807 and 1819 and because of the more manageable proportions of the houses has generally escaped redevelopment and subdivision.This is an ideal 4-bedroom family home with elegant well-proportioned rooms and the characteristic features of the era with astragalled windows, stone staircases, dadoes, cornice work and mantelpieces with open hearths.The south-facing garden is well stocked and wonderfully secluded with high stone walls. A stone flagged alfresco area leads to the main garden.HallDrawing Room(7.06m x 4.88m / 23\'2\" x 16\'0\")Dining Room(4.85m x 4.67m / 15\'11\" x 15\'4\")Kitchen/Breakfastroom(4.83m x 4.09m / 15\'10\" x 13\'5\")Bedroom 1(4.90m x 4.42m / 16\'1\" x 14\'6\")Bedroom 2(4.93m x 3.63m / 16\'2\" x 11\'11\")Bedroom 3(3.56m x 3.38m / 11\'8\" x 11\'1\")Bedroom 4(3.58m x 2.51m / 11\'9\" x 8\'3\")Family room(3.66m x 3.45m / 12\'0\" x 11\'4\")Utilityroom(2.51m x 1.88m / 8\'3\" x 6\'2\")Bathroom(2.51m x 1.88m / 8\'3\" x 6\'2\")Showerroom(2.85m x 2.51m / 9\'4\" x 8\'3\")Butler\'s Pantry(2.51m x 1.88m / 8\'3\" x 6\'2\")Workshop(2.06m x 1.37m / 6\'9\" x 4\'6\")
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عدد الحمامات
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