Renton Road, Scotland, G82
2017-03-29 00:00:00
Reference number:
1,530,000 £
Renton Road
Mar 29, 2017
Reference Number
Dumbarton G82
This is a heritage ‘A Listed’ castellated Gothic style grand baronial mansion.[Category A: Are \"buildings of national or international importance, either architectural or historic, or fine examples of some particular period, style or building type.]An Estate called Dalmoak has been in this place since the Middle Ages, and later was part of the Royal hunting ground of King Robert The Bruce. From the 15th century onwards there was a structure in place of today\'s building but probably not a castle. In the middle of the 17th century, John Semphill lived here, who was the provost of Dumbarton, involved in the liberation of Dumbarton Castle.Dalmoak Castle is a largely symmetrical castellated mansion house with a tall tower, built by the famous architect Alexander Watt in 1866-68 for John Aiken of Glasgow (1801-75)The house has lavish interiors, including a central hall with an imperial stair, a drawing room with sumptuous ceiling plasterwork and scagliola columns, and an elegant dining room. The ceiling, hearths and mirrors of the main rooms are grand.The stained glass windows are really fascinating. The three round arched panels depict mythical characters. The central one is of the Red Hand of Ulster, indicating John Aikens’ origins. The fine work is attributed to glaziers wg and jj Kier, early stained glass producers and known for their work in Glasgow Cathedral. The pictorial and decorative detailing is extraordinary. And it seems as if all the family members have been represented in the entwining monograms. This window is thought to be the largest in a private house in the United Kingdom.It was converted to a nursing home for the elderly in 1980 and fully restored in the 1990s, both at vast expense by previous Owners and a significant grant from Historic Scotland.It retains its commercial use under Scotland Class 8 (Residential school, College, Training centre, Residential accommodation with care, Hospital, Nursing home)It also has the Listed Building Consent for use under Class 7 (Hotel, boarding and guest house, hostel).In 2009 its fire detection and alarm system was upgraded to bs L1.It would also make a fine family home that it once was without much expense.