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Patna, أسكتلندا, KA6

2015-06-05 00:00:00
رقم العقار: REF939473
1,600,000 £
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تفاصيل المكان
عنوان المنطقة/الشارع
تاريخ النشر
معلومات اضافية
رقم العقار
عنوان الإعلان
Patna, Ayrshire KA6
وصف العقار
Available as a whole extending to 291.84 acres (118.1 ha), or thereby, to include 241.24 acres of arable/silage land, 29.41 acres of permanent pasture and 17.35 acres of rough grazing.Spacious 6 bed farmhouseRecently converted farm cottageRange of traditional and modern agricultural buildingsEstablished Bed & Breakfast business.Smithston Farm is in a rural yet accessible location just 7 miles to the south east of Ayr.Smithston Farmhouse is a large six bedroom property offering spacious accommodation (EPC – D(64)). An established Bed & Breakfast is currently run from the house which has been very successful and has gained a Certificate of Excellence from Trip Advisor. A recently converted farm cottage provides additional accommodation adjacent to the farm steading.A useful farm steading provides a good range of modern and traditional agricultural buildings. A biomass boiler and a solar panel system are situated within the steading which generate considerable income.The lands at Smithston extend to 291.84 acres (118.1 ha), or thereby, and is split into 14 separate field enclosures. The land is classified as Grade 4.1 under the James Hutton Institute’s Land Capability for Agriculture classification.
  • 5611 عرض
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