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princes street, Perth, أسكتلندا, PH2

2014-07-27 00:00:00
رقم العقار: REF157027
700,000 £
عدد الغرف 13
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تفاصيل المكان
عنوان المنطقة/الشارع
princes street
تاريخ النشر
معلومات اضافية
رقم العقار
عنوان الإعلان
Princes Street, Perth PH2
وصف العقار
Asset properties brings to the market an excellent portfolio of 9 flats all located on Princes Street Perth.All the flats have tenants so its already paying making the venture very attractive.• 10 a-f Princes St - 6 flats• 14 a-c Princes St - 3 flatsPlease call or email for more information / Current income.10-a Sizes to be added10-b Sizes to be added10-c 1 Bedroom FlatLiving room 15ft x 13ftBedroom 14ft x 11ftKitchen 8ft x 10ftBathroom 7ft x 7ft10-d Sizes to be added10-e 2 Bedroom FlatBathroom 7ft x 7ftBedroom 1 10ft x 7ftBedroom 2 13ft x 10ftLiving Room 13ft x 13ftKitchen 10ft x 7ft10-f 2 Bedroom FlatBathroom 7ft x 7ftBedroom 1 10ft x 12ftBedroom 2 12ft x 7ftLiving Room 24ft x 12ftKitchen 12ft x 7.5ft14-a Sizes to be added14-b 1 Bedroom FlatKitchen/Dinner 22ft x 14ftBedroom 10ft x 11ftBathroom 8ft x 6ft14-c 1 Bedroom FlatKitchen/Dinner 12ft x 18ftBedroom 11ft x 11ftBathroom 7ft x 6ft
عدد الغرف
  • 3093 عرض
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