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Oakley Park Frilford Heath Abingdon, أبينغدون, إنكلترا, OX13

2017-07-11 00:00:00
رقم العقار: REF464314
399,000 £
عدد الغرف 1
عدد الحمامات 5
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تفاصيل المكان
عنوان المنطقة/الشارع
Oakley Park Frilford Heath Abingdon
تاريخ النشر
معلومات اضافية
رقم العقار
عنوان الإعلان
Eighteenth Century House, Oakley Park, Frilford Heath, Abingdon OX13
وصف العقار
The main house in Oakley Park was built in an early Georgian style and was the home of Sir Francis and Lady Gore-Brown whose son Stewart was the subject of a book ‘The African House’ an English eccentric who built a replica English country house in Africa in the early twentieth century. Oakley Park transformed into a maternity hospital and later during the war a Barnardo’s home and in the late 1960’s was sympathetically converted into separate apartments. This beautiful and elegant apartment measures approximately 1085 square feet. The property has a wealth of character features so indicative of a property of this calibre. On entering the property there are high ceilings, wood panelled walls and doors, large sash windows, marble fireplaces and elegant cornicing. This is a delightful example of an eighteenth century home from a bygone age which has been converted into a stunning residence.SituationOakley Park and the surrounding parkland were subsequently enlarged and now consist of twelve independent units set in mature parkland grounds. Frilford Heath is a highly sought after and exclusive area including the renowned Frilford Heath Golf Club and is situated seven miles south west of Oxford City which combines a wealth of cultural and historical landmarks together with all the amenities required. Frilford Heath is well situated for the major arterial routes to London and the Midlands including the M40, M4, A420, A34 and the Oxford Ring Road. Mainline stations will be found in Oxford City Centre, Oxford Parkway and Didcot Parkway.OutsideThe property commands stunning views across private and communal landscape gardens and grounds. Stone staircase lead from the principle reception room to a terrace below, which is ideal for outdoor entertaining. The property also benefits from a private garden with an elegant lawn interspersed with mature trees and herbaceous borders, a Ha Ha and separate garaging.Additional Informationlease: The lease was granted on 01.10.1971 for 99 years. An extension to the lease for 999 years has been applied for.*The Residents of Eighteenth Century House own a Share of the Freehold.**The seller informs us that the service and maintenance charges amount to approximately £600 p.A. Per apartment and that the current annual building insurance is approximately £1000 p.A.
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عدد الحمامات
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