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Bentinck Street, مانشستر, إنكلترا, M15

2017-06-28 00:00:00
رقم العقار: REF641435
500,000 £
عدد الغرف 3
عدد الحمامات 3
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تفاصيل المكان
عنوان المنطقة/الشارع
Bentinck Street
تاريخ النشر
معلومات اضافية
رقم العقار
عنوان الإعلان
Bentinck Street, Castlefield M15
وصف العقار
City Gardens- Phase 3 of our exciting Manchester Gardens master schemeThree bedroom triplex apartments available from £500,000City Gardens is part of our exciting new Manchester Gardens master scheme which is bringing a new residential quarter to life. It provides an enticing prospect to purchase high quality, aspirational homes hallmarked by the imaginative, flexible use of space and fine finishes.All the homes embrace a confident modern look, with carefully crafted concrete ceilings capturing a warehouse conversion atmosphere. Selected use of feature natural wood wall panelling balances this effect bringing a pleasing architectural harmony to the interior décor.Open, cutting edge contemporary design showcases the stunning triplexes - with five options to choose from - each boasting a private roof terrace. Three double bedrooms, with the master benefiting from a dressing room and ensuite, will appeal to young professionals and families alike. Double height ceilings engender a real sense of space, filled with pools of natural light and these smart penthouses offer open vistas across the city centre skyline.Inside, the distinctive layouts provide bright, open spaces and clean, contemporary lines combined with fine fixtures and finishes to reflect the prestige of the building. The spacious double height lobby forms an impressive entrance and provides convenient lift access to all levels.The building\'s distinctive features extend to the outside appearance - a fine façade and slender profile are distinguished by large arched openings, reflecting nearby historic mills, which create a grand appearance. These will be lit and accentuated to provide a visually impressive and welcoming entrance to the development. Smooth terracotta facing brickwork will complement the architecture and echo the character and appearance of the nearby Castlefield Conservation Area.The appeal of City Gardens is not limited to its distinctive look, stylish accommodation and mix of homes. It has been conceived as a community hub on the doorstep of Manchester\'s business district and is designed to meet the flexible needs of today\'s modern business. You\'ll find innovative entrepreneur studios - ideal for start-up businesses - meeting rooms, interaction areas and hot-desking facilities.Together with the adjoining Sky Gardens, the building offers some 8,000 sq ft of ground floor commercial space facing both Chester Road and the new public square enhancing the appeal and continuing development of the area.The square itself, surrounding courtyards and tree-lined walkways will provide a pleasant retreat to meet, relax and interact. While a ninth floor communal roof garden at the City Gardens provides a skyline amenity for residents featuring an attractive sun terrace, picnic and barbecue areas and vegetable gardens. Please note - All images and floorplans are intended to provide a general indication of the proposed development and have been produced prior to completion of the development. The images presented are artist\'s impressions and meant as a guide to the development.DeTrafford Estates reserves the right to alter any part of the development, specification or floor layouts at any time.
عدد الغرف
عدد الحمامات
  • 3267 عرض
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