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Compton Avenue, لندن, إنكلترا, N6

2016-04-11 00:00:00
رقم العقار: REF105402
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تفاصيل المكان
عنوان المنطقة/الشارع
Compton Avenue
تاريخ النشر
معلومات اضافية
رقم العقار
عنوان الإعلان
Compton House, Compton Avenue N6
وصف العقار
Abutting Highgate Golf Course, Compton Avenue is a private gated road with 24 hour security guards and is set opposite Kenwood House & Hampstead Heath whilst being equidistant to Hampstead & Highgate Villages.We are delighted to offer a three storey double fronted detached family home boasting a planning consent to construct a new residence behind the existing façade of approx. 1,402 sq m (15,091 sq ft) complete with an underground leisure complex. Currently the house has a fabulous rear landscaped garden with a tennis court as well as a separate staff apartment and a guest annexe. Additionally there is a large games room/playroom on the second (top) floor.
عدد الغرف
عدد الحمامات
مساحة العقار
Array قدم مربع
  • 4865 عرض
اسم صديقك *
البريد الألكتروني لصديقك *
بريدك الإلكتروني
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