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Victoria Terrace Beaumaris, Beaumaris, Wales, LL58

2017-11-20 00:00:00
رقم العقار: REF966292
340,000 £
عدد الغرف 3
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تفاصيل المكان
عنوان المنطقة/الشارع
Victoria Terrace Beaumaris
تاريخ النشر
معلومات اضافية
رقم العقار
عنوان الإعلان
Victoria Terrace, Beaumaris, Anglesey LL58
وصف العقار
The Express Estate Agency is proud to offer this three Bedroom Flat situated in this Grade I Listed Victoria Terrace. – all interest and offers are invited.Internal:Entrance Hall - Cloaks cupboard.Reception Room (20\'6\" x 14\'7\") - Three front aspect windows with views over the Menai Strait, Pier and Snowdonia mountains, feature open fireplace with stone inlay and hearth, three storage cupboards.Breakfast Kitchen (18\'6\" x 12\'4\") - Fitted with a range of wall and base units in a dark green gloss finish within solid timber worktops, Armitage Belfast sink, six ring gas oven range, recess for a dishwasher and a further recess for an American style fridge.First Floor Landing - Staircase to the attic floor with cupboards under.Master Bedroom (20\'6\" x 14\'7\") - Built-in wardrobes to one side, walk-in wardrobes with hanging space and leads to a dressing area.Bedroom Two (15\' x 12\'4\") - Fitted wardrobes to one wall with integral pine storage drawers.Shower Room (10\'3\" x 7\'6\") - Comprising a double shower cubicle with a thermostatic shower control, wash hand basin and WC.Attic Floor Landing/Study (14\'2\" x 10\'3\") - High vaulted ceiling with Velux window.Inner Hall - With a gallery style store room.Bedroom Three (34\'2\" x 9\'7\") - Velux windows, vaulted ceiling with exposed roof purlins, \'full height\' built-in book shelves, under eaves storage.Shower Room (9\'3\" x 6\'8\") - Comprising a wash hand basin, WC and a Mira thermostatic shower control.Double Glazed & Centrally Heated (Where Specified)external:Private Communal Lawned Garden area for the use of all residents, with access to a Store Shed, and access to a Single Garage that has an up and over door.Location:With far reaching views to the front over the Menai Straits, towards Penrhyn Castle and Bangor, all with the backdrop of the majestic Snowdonia Mountain ranges.Early viewing is highly recommended due to the property being realistically priced.Disclaimer:These particulars, whilst believed to be accurate are set out as a general guideline and do not constitute any part of an offer or contract. Intending Purchasers should not rely on them as statements of representation of fact, but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to their accuracy. Please note that we have not tested any apparatus, equipment, fixtures, fittings or services including gas central heating and so cannot verify they are in working order or fit for their purpose. Furthermore, Solicitors should confirm moveable items described in the sales particulars and, in fact, included in the sale since circumstances do change during the marketing or negotiations. Although we try to ensure accuracy, if measurements are used in this listing, they may be approximate. Therefore if intending Purchasers need accurate measurements to order carpeting or to ensure existing furniture will fit, they should take such measurements themselves. Photographs are reproduced general information and it must not be inferred that any item is included for sale with the property.TenureTo be confirmed by the Vendor’s SolicitorsPossessionVacant possession upon completionViewingViewing strictly by appointment through The Express Estate Agency
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