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Golf Course, Hotel, Spa and Country House set on over 150 acres, ارمينستر, إنكلترا, BA12

2015-08-06 00:00:00
رقم العقار: REF196248
13,995,000 £
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عنوان المنطقة/الشارع
Golf Course, Hotel, Spa and Country House set on over 150 acres
تاريخ النشر
معلومات اضافية
رقم العقار
عنوان الإعلان
Stourton, Warminster BA12
وصف العقار
Rarely available - A highly regarded Pro Golf Course, Hotel, Spa, Country House, ancillary accommodation which is set on over 150 acres in Southern England being sold as a going concern including the golf course, golf club, freehold properties and the complete business operation.Confidentially available for sale.The exact location and property images are not shown to protect the property\'s anonymity.How to progress your potential interest in this discreetly available property:We have been instructed to market this property through our Discreet Property Marketing service as the property sellers/owners do not want its availability to be widely known for their own personal reasons.This discreet marketing service requires us to inform the seller who each and every prospective buyer is before we are able to release full property details or arrange a viewing.Typically the sellers will want prospective buyers to confirm they are a bona fide buyer; and with a motivation to buy a property like this and who have the financial means to purchase at our clients asking price.Further information about our discreet property marketing service: Confidentially selling prime properties since 2002:We are experts in discreet marketing of many of the world\'s finest properties for sale.Property sellers place their prime properties with us to discreetly market their properties for sale as they know we only work with the very best buyers.I.E. Only those buyers who are motivated and properly funded to buy at the seller\'s asking price.In addition, property sellers appreciate that we follow extremely controlled procedures including thorough buyer qualification before details of the property are released. This is attractive to prime property sellers as it removes unwanted intrusion and publicity about their private affairs.About VIP International Homes.VIP International Homes are a prime property sales, marketing and buying agency operating exclusively at the very top end of the property market in the UK, Africa, the usa and Internationally.In 2002, we launched our business as a prime property buying agency which exclusively operated in the high value areas of the UK Country House market and is now a leading UK & International prime property Buying Agency.Since launch we have successfully acquired many of the uk’s finest homes for high profile UK, London & International property buyers including many multi-million £ country estates (a number of client case studies can be read on our website).The majority of our clients include High Net Worth property buyers from the UK, London, Europe, China & the Far East, Russia, the Middle East, usa and throughout Africa.This valuable insight gained from acting for many of the worlds wealthiest property buyers to date led to the creation of Top End focused prime property selling agency, VIP International Homes in 2013.For property sellers, our VIP International Property Marketing service enables your property will be proactively presented to the High Net Worth international property buyers we have been working for since 2002. We also offer a discreet marketing service to reach these High Net Worth buyers. Our property marketing services re designed to ensure your property is presented to those elusive High Net Worth International prime property buyers......Helping you sell to them and often at a premium price.For property buyers, our VIP Proactive Property Search service enables you to find and acquire a prime property on terms most favourable to the buyer.For further information about our exclusive prime property services please contact VIP International Homes or visit the VIP International Homes website.
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