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42 Hough Green, تشيستر, إنكلترا, CH4

2018-01-30 00:00:00
رقم العقار: REF185687
220,000 £
عدد الغرف 2
عدد الحمامات 1
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تفاصيل المكان
عنوان المنطقة/الشارع
42 Hough Green
تاريخ النشر
معلومات اضافية
رقم العقار
عنوان الإعلان
42 Hough Green, Chester CH4
وصف العقار
***Tenant in situ until 12th April 2018.***A superbly presented two bedroom top floor apartment situated in the heart of Hough Green, close to Chester city centre. The property boasts quirky, charming features such as wooden beams and skylights as well as benefitting from double bedrooms and modern kitchen/bathroom. There is also allocated parking space, gas central heating and double glazing throughout.The accomodation briefly comprises; communal entrance, entrance hallway, landing/study area, lounge/kitchen, two bedrooms, bathroom and one parking space.115 years remaining on the Lease.Service charge of £136.75 a month.Communal EntranceEntrance doorway, stairway to apartment entrance.Entrance HallwayEntrance doorway, coat storage, stairway to apartment.StudyStairs from entrance hallway, windows to side aspect, space for office desk, chair and storage, access to two bedrooms, lounge and bathroom.Lounge11\'09\" x 16\'00\"T.V point, window to rear aspect, open to kitchen, skylight above, radiator.Kitchen8\'02\" x 8\'04\"Having a range of wall and base units with complementary work surfaces over, electric oven and grill, extractor hood, inset sink, fridge/freezer, housing & plumbing for washing machine, skylight above, breakfast bar, open to lounge.Master Bedroom14\'08\" x 13\'10\"T.V point, window to rear and side aspect, built in wardrobe with sliding door, radiator.Bedroom Two11\'00\" x 16\'08\"Built in storage cupboards with sliding doors, t.V point, cupboard housing boiler, radiator, skylight above.Bathroom6\'08\" 4\'06\"Panel bath with shower over, w.C, wash basin with vanity unit below, towel radiator, extractor fan.ParkingAllocated parking for one vehicle.Council Tax BandBand - CLease Information115 years remaining on the Lease.Service charge of £136.75 a month.
عدد الغرف
عدد الحمامات
  • 4905 عرض
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