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The Bishops Avenue, لندن, إنكلترا, N2

2016-06-24 00:00:00
رقم العقار: REF196786
10,550,000 £
عدد الغرف 4
عدد الحمامات 7
مساحة العقار Array قدم مربع
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تفاصيل المكان
عنوان المنطقة/الشارع
The Bishops Avenue
تاريخ النشر
معلومات اضافية
رقم العقار
عنوان الإعلان
The Bishops Avenue, Kenwood, London N2
وصف العقار
A chance to acquire this fantastic family sized apartment (5414sqft/502.9sqm) located in a private luxury development on the renowned Bishops Avenue.The apartment has been finished to an extremely high standard to include wooden floors, mode & xenon lighting and integrated sound system. The master bathroom was designed by a world-renowned interior designer and the kitchen was designed/supplied by Boffi with Gagganau/Miele/Sub Zero appliances. In addition further benefits include a private garden and large communal garden set within a peaceful woodland setting, underground parking, 24 hour concierge, indoor swimming pool and gymnasium.These particulars are issued for guidance only, they are intended to give A fair overall description of the property and not constitute A warranty of any kind or to be an offer or contract in whole or in part. Nothing in these particulars shall be deemed to constitute A representation that the property is in good structural condition nor that any services, appliances, equipment or facilities are in good working order, notwithstanding, that all information contained in these particulars, both in the text and in any plans and photographs is given in good faith, intending purchasers should make their own enquiries as to the accuracy of all matters upon which they intent to rely. Measurements are given for guidance only and must be verified by the purchaser.
عدد الغرف
عدد الحمامات
مساحة العقار
Array قدم مربع
  • 3418 عرض
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